Mens sana in corpore sano, as a latin saying teaches us, is essential for a happy life. Harmony and movement keep the body fit and healthy. There are occasions in life where bones need a surgical intervention as a reaction to a physical challenge. A reliable solution is needed for a custom-made treatment and a short and trouble-free healing process.

The comprehensive epimedical formula: 39-9-2

The epimedical epiLock system, reduced to the max, enables surgeons to focus on the patient as our system is comprehensive and has high class instrumentation that is designed ergonomically, for heavy duty and long hours in the operation theatre. The very narrow, yet complete range of products, consisting of 39 plates, 9 screws and 2 instrumentation sets, reduces the preparation time and saves money for hospitals, patients and the health insurance system. Most of our clients appreciate the user-friendliness and the silky surface for a safe surgery and a quick work flow, pre- and post-operation. It is a matter of principle for epimedical that only the best materials and most advanced finishing processes are applied, or in other words: Swiss Quality in Detail.

Userfriendly screws and anatomical locking plates stabilize the bone from the outside.

Product Innovation

The constant striving for innovation and improvement characterize our company philosophy. The results from extensive research activities prepare the background for our product development. First we detect acute demands, and then we analyze existing conditions to provide unique solutions as the missing links.

For more information about the products and the market launch, subscribe to our newsletter.

Cannulated screws and specific instruments.

Dynamic Hip and Compression System and specific instruments.

Volar distal radius and tubular plate with variable angle, locking screw combi­nations and specific instruments.

A complete interlocking nailing system to treat long bone fractures.

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